Determinants of service quality influencing customer satisfaction in fitness centers: A systematic review


  • Helena Ferreira Barbosa Instituto Politécnico de Beja. Departamento de Artes Humanidades e Desporto. Beja, Portugal.
  • João Barbosa Instituto Politécnico de Beja. Departamento de Artes, Humanidades e Desporto. Beja, Portugal.
  • Bebiana Sabino Instituto Politécnico de Beja. Departamento de Artes, Humanidades e Desporto. Beja, Portugal.
  • Vânia Loureiro Instituto Politécnico de Beja. Departamento de Artes, Humanidades e Desporto. Beja, Portugal.



service quality perception, health-fitness clubs, service loyalty, satisfaction, PRISMA, customer retention


The aim of the present systematic review was to investigate the determinants of fitness center service quality that most influence customer satisfaction. Studies were identified from searches in PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and EBSCO databases from 2017 through 2022. The search process was carried out by four independent researchers. Titles and abstracts were reviewed to determine whether the studies met the inclusion criteria. The quality of the reporting of the measures was assessed using a tailored list. The electronic search strategy produced 378 studies. A total of 17 articles met the inclusion criteria. Results of the review support the importance of service quality to improve customer satisfaction, leading to customers future intentions with the brand, increasing loyalty and customer retention. Therefore, positive perceptions of service quality influence customer satisfaction, in turn customer loyalty and retention, and are indispensable for the sustainability of these companies. Through the studies included in this systematic review it was possible to identify nine dimensions of service quality as predictors of customer satisfaction: facility quality, instructors and reception staff quality, price, supporting services, service recovery, service assurance, online marketing, and customer relations. This article provides useful and global information on the most current service quality factors. Given the fitness market's competitiveness, understanding the factors that influence service quality allows managers to better choose their strategies for increasing customer satisfaction.


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