Analysis of reasons to play football and tennis during sport initiation


  • G. González
  • B. Tabernero
  • S. Márquez



The purpose of our study was to investigate motivation reasons for sport initiation in soccer and tennis. One hundred youth (50 tennis players and 50 soccer players), 8-15 year-old completed the Spanish version of the “Participation Motivation Inventory” by Gill y cols (1983). Reasons for participation are mainly intrinsic and similar in both sports. Parents influence and enjoyment and performance factors are given more importance in tennis than in soccer. Extrinsic motivation increases with age. Boys give more importance to competition reasons than girls. Coaches role is more important for younger children. This questionnaire appears to be a useful instrument to assess motivation in sport initiation.
KEY WORDS: Soccer, tennis, motivation, sport intiation


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Author Biographies

G. González

Instituto Nacional de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte de Castilla y León

B. Tabernero

Instituto Nacional de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte de Castilla y León

S. Márquez

Instituto Nacional de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte de Castilla y León





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