Exploring body sway to disclose changes in postural control strategy associated with proprioceptive training


  • Franck Maze
  • María Teresa Blázquez-Tejada
  • Francisco Javier Rojas University of Granada


In the present study we analyze linear and nonlinear variability of body sway in young football players, in order to disclose changes in postural control strategy associated with proprioceptive training. It was investigated if these changes can be measured by detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) or by centre of pressure (CoP) trajectory length analysis. CoP trajectories were obtained from 105 players. Upright stance posturography was performed before and after an intervention period, a football season, during which one half of the randomly assigned participants was proprioceptive trained and the other half was not. There are no significant differences between the results obtained for proprioceptive trained young football players and the not proprioceptive trained ones. The results showed the existence of a crossover from persistent to antipersistent behavior in the body sway. DFA has showed the skill to disentangle the highly complex multifractal dynamic of body sway, but this inner dynamics may hinder the detection of changes due to proprioceptive training. It was concluded that in the present work DFA and length analysis of body sway, have both emerged as unuseful tools for the objective assessment of proprioceptive training influence on postural control.


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Author Biography

Francisco Javier Rojas, University of Granada

F.Javier Rojas Ruiz

Professor of Biomechanics

University of Granada
Faculty of Sports Sciences
c/ Alfacar s/n
18071 Granada


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