The role of extrinsic ocular movement in sport. Application into open sports
In this work, the last improvements of the knowledge about perception in sports are presented. Several investigators have demonstrated that skilled perception of the image that it is visualized determines an adequate behavior in the sport. From a cognitive perspective, the limited capacity of information processing of a subject in a complex environment, and time limitations, requires stimuli selection and attentions demands reduced to the most pertinent sources of information. The process of selection of non-redundant information, and rejecting redundant information, is not conducted by an arbitrary way but rather it is based on a deliberate visual search strategy.The present work presents a methodology of analysis of perception in sports through computerized systems development. These systems are applied to the extrinsic ocular movement analysis as a way to study subjacent processes of perception and attention in sports
KEY WORDS: Extrinsic ocular movement, visual search strategies, open skills, perception.
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