Effects of continuous and interval training similar external load on heart rate


  • J. L. Tuimil
  • E. Iglesias
  • J. Dopico
  • L. Morenilla


The aims of this study were to compare the mean heart rate response in two training methods of equal average intensity based on running, the relationship of the maximal aerobic speed (VAM) with the reserve heart rate (FCR) and the effects of these modes of training on the basal heart rate (FCB). The study was carried out with eight physical activity students (23,25 years old; VAM: 17,93 Km.h-1), who performed: CC= 8 km at 70% VAM and CI= 4x(1000m at 90% VAM+1000m at 50% VAM). Heart rate was registered during sessions and FCB before and after of the training session. The difference in the mean heart rate between both training modes not statistically significant. However, the mean heart rate of the CC (FCCC) (Z=2,240; p<0,05) and CI (FCCI) (Z=2,380; p<0,05) were significantly higher than the calculated 70% heart rate reserve (FCR70%). The FCB was only significantly higher after CI (Z=2,319; p<0,05). In conclusion, two different training modes, but of equal average intensity, can produce a similar mean heart rate. The intensity of the programed run based on the VAM is significantly higher than one based on the FCR. The strongly increase in FCB can be influenced by the interval training method.
KEY WORDS: mean H.R., reserve H.R., basal H.R., MAS, continuous training, interval training.


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Author Biographies

J. L. Tuimil

Instituto Nacional de Educación Física de Galicia (Universidade da Coruña)

E. Iglesias

Instituto Nacional de Educación Física de Galicia (Universidade da Coruña)

J. Dopico

Instituto Nacional de Educación Física de Galicia (Universidade da Coruña)

L. Morenilla

Instituto Nacional de Educación Física de Galicia (Universidade da Coruña)





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