The Anthropometric and Physical Performance Profiles of Female Handball Players: Influence of Playing Position

Influence of playing position on characteristics of female handball players


  • Bunyamin Haksever
  • Caglar Soylu Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
  • Mehmet Micoogullari
  • Gul Baltaci



Handball team; anthropometry; physical performance; playing position


The purpose of the study was to compare anthropometric data and physical performance characteristics between different playing positions in professional female team handball. Twenty-nine female handball players were categorized as centers (n=6), pivots (n=9), wings (n=8) or goalkeepers (n=16). Measurement of anthropometrics data including body height and mass, body mass index; knee muscle strength, scores on the lower limb vertical power (vPower), lower and upper limb performance and trunk extension endurance were determined and analyzed with respect to playing position. The goalkeepers had higher knee strength in than pivots, wingers, and centers (p<.001). Pivot players achieved higher vPower than wings, centers and goalkeepers (p=.011). In addition, goalkeepers and wings achieved higher vPower than centers (p<.001). No significant differences were observed in trunk extension endurance and upper limb performance results according to play positions. The pivots and wingers had better lower limb performance than goalkeepers and centers (p<.001). The present study concludes that depending on their play positions, there are differences in terms of anthropometric values, knee muscle strength, vertical power and lower extremity performance in elite handball players. Results indicate that knee muscle strength and height should be considered in handball performance, as well as the fat tissue in career performance, especially in females by professionals involved in the development process and selection of talent in young handball players.


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