Effects on the improvement and retention strength of two training programs with regular and concentrated loads in subjects untrained
In this study it is compared the improvement and retention of the maximum dynamic strength in 35 subjects untrained, after the application of two training programs of equal content and different loads distribution (with/without concentration of loads = SC/CC) so that in one of the programs the double of total volume takes place. Measurements from high maximum weight in 1RM, maximum strength, and total average strength were taken, with the system of measurement of dynamic forces ISOCONTROL 3.6., in the exercise of squat (SQ), before (PRE -), and at the end of the treatment (POST 1), as well as after 1 (POST 2) and 2 months (POST 3) of its conclusion. Both groups improved the maximum dynamic strength of highly significant form (p<0.01) during the cycle of training (29% SC - 36% CC), not existing significant differences between groups in any of the measured variables. In conclusion, after 8 weeks of strength training, the maximum dynamic strength of significant form highly in subjects untrained can be improved, and similars gains are obtained, as much with a distribution of concentrated loads, like with a distribution without concentration of loads where half of volume has been made that in the previous one.432
KEY WORDS: Training, strength, distribution of loads, volume.