Study of sport habits in the County Council of Granada
This article is, a proposition of strategie to follow to analice de actual situation of sporting phenomenon in our society.
At the same time this study, that it appears like a grant iniciative from Granada County Council in her Sport Area, has a double objective, in the first place, to know the reality in Granada and his province ahout sport subject and in the second place, to realice after the data analysis, a suitable policy to the necessities and request.
The questionaire was designed with 272 items, was aplied to 2.400 subject, with a confidence level +95%. For them, we have made a “conglomerados polietápicos” model by aged, sex and stratum population. The study’s dimensions discuss about: sport image, sport habit, free time take up, sport competition and association, sport scholastic, public and private sport proposal and instalation.
We can emphasize like the first results, the positive image in existence about the sport for all in the county of Granada, the higher percentage in the men than in the women of sport practice, the importance that the physical education and sport have for the parents, the increase of the physic and sport activities outdoor and the interest to realice physic activity to have get healthy and entertainment.
KEY WORDS: Sports habit, sport proposal, questionaire.